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  Title Copies
Against His-story, Against Leviathan! 
Edition: 3rd edition 
Year: 1983 
Against His-story, Against Leviathan! 
Edition: 3rd edition 
Year: 1983 
Agrofuels: Big Profits, Ruined Lives and Ecological Destruction (Transnational Institute) 
Year: 2010 
ISBN: 745330126 
ISBN 13: 9780745330129 
Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism 
Year: 2014 
ISBN: 1138821519 
ISBN 13: 9781138821514 
Algiers, Third World Capital: Freedom Fighters, Revolutionaries, Black Panthers 
Edition: Illustrated 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 1788730003 
ISBN 13: 9781788730006 
All Power to the Imagination! 
All that grief: Migrant recollections of Greek resistance to fascism, 1941-1949 
Year: 1994 
ISBN: 868065129 
ISBN 13: 9780868065120 
Alternative technology Australia 
Year: 1983 
ISBN: 0959395423 
Always look on the bright side of life: The aidex '91 story 
Always start your car with two bells 
Year: 1985